Senin, 10 Maret 2014

This Just In: BSNYC Cashing In Some Sick Days!


Hope you had a good weekend.  Mine was a bit of a "mixed bag."  Saturday was an unseasonably warm day which I spent enjoying some family-style bicycling, and then Sunday I fell ill and underwent the violent alimentary process doctors refer to as "puking."

As you can imagine, going from this:

To this:

Was quite a jarring about-face.

I'm pleased to report I'm on the mend, but since my employer provides me with ∞ sick days I'm going to go ahead and take two (2) of them.  This means I will return on Wednesday, March 12th with the top-notch Internet content to which you've become accustomed.  (I don't mean to imply this is actually top-notch Internet content, only that you've become accustomed to my unique brand of sub-mediocrity over the years and thus your judgment is now grossly miscalibrated.)

In the meantime, thanks for bearing with me (or if you're not bearing with me then screw you too), and I look forward to returning bright-tailed and bushy-eyed on Wednesday.

Boom Shanka,

--Wildcat Rock Machine