What are your plans for this weekend? My mom has been here for almost three weeks, and she's leaving this Sunday. We're so sad for her to go back to Michigan! I wish we lived closer. Anyway, hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun posts from around the web...
Am I too old to read this book?
Tomato sandwiches.
26 ingenious ideas for your home.
Commission your own painting.
What a cool apartment.
21 reasons to love IKEA.
The six years when parents are happiest.
The power of doing something meaningless.
A new airline class for the child-intolerant.
Wow, Europe and Russia aren't kidding around.
What a beautiful locket.
This woman lives in a garden.
A game about real life.
Haha, these are so weird!!!
Let kids help.
(Photo by Alexandra's Kitchen. American Dreamers link via Swissmiss)