What are your plans for this weekend? We're having a (chilly) picnic with friends, I'm taking Toby to a drumming class, and I'm planning to try plum lipstick. I'll show a before-and-after, unless it looks terrible, haha. Also, baby Anton is finally finally finally sleeping a bit better so I am starting to feel like myself again. Thank you again for all your encouraging comments, which really brightened my spirits on the toughest days. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun posts from around the web...
Swiss cheesemakers in action!
Cute birthday cake.
Cool idea for when a candle is gone.
This girl called 911 about a massive freaking spider.
What makes Nacho Cheese Doritos so appealing.
A toddler's hilarious conversation with himself.
Design Within Reach is having their semi-annual sale.
What your drink says about you.
The greatest New York book!
How to create supermodel cheekbones.
Would you make salmon in a dishwasher?
Rents are officially nuts in San Francisco.
Three of the best flavors combined. No big deal.
Plus, three past posts you may have missed:
* Who's your celebrity crush?
* 101 best-written TV shows.
* Why kids cover their eyes when they're hiding.
(Spider and candle links via Swiss Lark)