Spreadable Fred Sled Malcom Edgar?No, you schlemiel, it says Philadelphia Bike Expo!
Which is where I'll be tomorrow, Saturday November 9th, at high noon:
By the way, when I say "high noon," I only mean it in the Wild West sense. I mean, sure, if you want to show up high that's your business, but please don't be Robs Fords high.
So I don't get it. Does Fords want to kill this guy, or have sex with him, or both? And if it's both, what order does he want to do it in?
All I know is that: a) The kids today need to stay off the crack; and b) Ford's heart is going to explode like a jelly donut with an M-80 in it.
Anyway, inasmuch as I will be in Philadelphia tomorrow and I have fabulous prizes to give away such as t-shirts:
(Just giving away shirts, not the full Rob Ford kit as shown above.)
And hats:
(Actually these hats, not the "partying with Rob Ford kit" as shown above.)
And Knog Blinder lights:
(If Robs Fords so much as glanced at a Knog Blinder his heart would explode like a jelly donut with an etc. etc. you get the point.)
I will not be administering a quiz on this blog today.
Instead, I will be doing the quiz LIVE! at the Bike Expo tomorrow, which will accomplish two things:
1) I can give away prizes to people who get the right answers;
B) It will allow me to pad the hour since otherwise I have absolutely nothing worthwhile to offer.
So take this extra day to study up, and as for the rest of you who are not lucky enough to be in Philadelphia tomorrow (or who are lucky enough not to be in Philadelphia tomorrow as the case may be), well, tough noogies for you.
Lastly, let's have a big round of applause for the United States of America, land of the free and home of the fucktarded:
It's worth noting that the local news is nearly as stupid as the person who made the sign, since the conclusion of the piece seems to be that cyclists and drivers need to respect each other, and not that the person who who did this is a stupid fucking idiot with a serious mental problem who could be a threat to public safety and should probably be sought out and given treatment.
Really, it's a cry for help--though of course if the person had come right out and asked for help I'm sure they would have spelled it "halp."
Anyway, that's it from me, see some of you tomorrow, see the rest of you on Monday, and may you bicyclest to the fullest this weekend.
I love you,
--Wildcat Rock Machine