Senin, 17 Juni 2013

This Just In: Exciting News For Your Scranus or Vulvanus!

As you know, Brooks England, generous sponsors of this blog, have been working on a revolutionary (for them) new saddle called the Cambium which doesn't require them to kill cows:

Translation: "I actually don't give a shit whether they kill me for a saddle or not because I'm a cow and have nothing to live for anyway, and dying for your convenience is basically my purpose on this earth, but if it makes you feel better then great."

Anyway, Brooks have just informed me that you can now buy the first batch of these guilt-free saddles via their website:

Moreover, this first batch of 1,000 saddles will have "a number etched into its nose rivet," which sounds like the sort of body modification you'd get to complement your Prince Albert, and if it's even half as comfy as the Brookseses I have on my bikes now then it's still, uh, very comfy.

Anyway, thought you'd like to know.

And now back to today's regularly scheduled whatever.

--Wildcat Rock Machine