What are your plans for this weekend? We're having friends over for a picnic on Saturday and I'm hoping to check out this this cheese shop. In other news, Anton woke up four times last night! I'm so tired! I feel like crying! It seems like everyone else's babies are sleeping through the night. That can't be true, right? It makes me think of this book. Well, hope you have a wonderful weekend, and here are some fun posts from around the web...
The joys of being a restaurant regular.
Made me laugh.
Zucchini parmesan crisps.
Grinning from ear to ear watching Joseph Gordon-Levitt dance and Justin Timberlake joke around.
How to beat jet lag.
This nail polish is on my wishlist.
Egg font. (It took 1000 eggs!)
How to say no. (Fascinating.)
Four tutorials for short hair.
Cute emailable invitations.
What Amy Poehler wants in a best friend.
J.Crew has a baby shop!
And three past posts you may have missed:
* Real actors read Yelp reviews.
* A hilarious Halloween costume.
* 60 years of roses.