Jumat, 20 September 2013

Have a great weekend.

What are you up to this weekend? We'll be unpacking our new apartment and exploring the new neighborhood. Do you have any recommendations for Tribeca? (This awesome bike store is just a few blocks away!) Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun posts from around the web...

Clever collar upgrade.

Dinner for one.

Larry David's tips for dealing with people.

A beautiful way to do eyeliner.

Childbirth is an extreme sport. Made me teary.

Five sad desk lunches.

21 habits of supremely happy people.

This moonwalk tutorial (scroll down) made me laugh out loud.

Great idea: Avocado pasta!

Cute corduroys for crisp fall days.

The sweetest, sweetest book.
This guy's a little jokester. (Btw, I know every photo I take of Anton is on my legs, but we spend a lot of time post-breastfeeding just hanging.)

Have a good one! xo

(Happy link via Snippet & Ink)