Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

BSNYC Friday 10 Hours Of Funny Cat Videos, Plus The Occasional Graphic Video Of Cat Death By Misadventure!

According to my calendar, it's been 16 years since I've administered a quiz.  Therefore, in the interest of keeping flabby brains from turning completely to mush, I'm going to get right to it forthwith--though before I do, Stevil Kinevil of All Hail The Black Market is having an art show next month and he wants you to know about it, and if Stevil Kinevil wants you to know about it then I want you to know about it:

That's just how it works:

According to his Internet, it's "the first...show comprised of work by cyclists that has nothing to do with bikes," so there you go.

I like the sound of that, since most bike art tends to be pretty corny, and probably the corniest bike art of all is tattoo bike art, to wit:

And ipso facto:

And case in point:

(Uh, everybody knows the bottom bracket spindle of a bicycle tramp stamp should be centered directly above the gluteal cleft.)

By the way, if you do insist on getting a bike tattoo, at the very least you should avoid component branding:

And of course professional cyclists:

Since both components and pro cyclists have a way of failing over time.

Though I suppose in the worst case scenario you can correct them:

That's something you'll never regret.

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right you'll know, and if you're wrong you'll see why you need a velomobile.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and try not to get any cats stuck in your drivetrain.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) This graph represents:

--The percentage of children in each country who ride bikes to school
--The percentage of women in each country who ride bikes to work
--The percentage of anthropomorphic ducks who ride bikes while turning to admire their scuba tanks
--The percentage of people in each country who actually like Canadians

(Someone has go pee-pee.)

2) Looks like Neil Patrick Harris is back from his suspension for taking a banned diuretic.


(Trek Factory Racing Team goes Rapha-meets-wedding singer with their unfortunate new look.)

3) Judging from the "modesty panel" on the front of the shorts, the Trek Factory Racing team doesn't think Neil Patrick Harris has kicked his crippling addiction to diuretics.


4) What's this?

--A John Slawta paint job
--A prog-rock album cover
--What it looks like after Fabian Cancellara goes swimming

5) It was recently revealed that an employee of the above hospital planned to:

--Steal performance-enhancing drugs to sell to pro cyclists
--Steal donated blood to sell to pro cyclists
--Steal clean urine to sell to pro cyclists
--Create Bradley Wiggins sideburns from a patient's pubic hair

(Whimsical map grossly exaggerates the importance of Watertown to New York State.)

6) The mayor of Watertown, NY believes that cyclists who ride in winter should be:


("Does any other city have these goofy stands where people stand around waiting for omnibuses, or is that unique to Chicago?")

7) David Axelrod, political consultant and former adviser to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, has his finger firmly on the pulse of modern urban transit.


***Special Just Another Day In Canada-Themed Bonus Video***