Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Let's talk about cheese...

Great idea: Place toy animals on a cheese tray to show which kind of milk was used in each cheese (goat, sheep or cow).
Cheese-rolling festival in Gloucestershire, England, where guys hurtle themselves down a hill to catch a cheese wheel.
A mouthwatering mac n' cheese slideshow.
Made me laugh.
10 cheeses and their literary counterparts. (For example, Hemingway is like a Cabot Cheddar: Straightforward, no bull.)
How to make your own cheese wedding cake.
Biggest tip: Never eat cold cheese!
My personal secret to a great grilled cheese.
And an insane twist on a grilled cheese.
United States cutting boards. (Above is Brooklyn.)

P.S. How to create a perfect cheese plate, and stinky birthday cheese.

(Child photo by Jill Greenberg; literary cheeses via Shoko)